Top 4 Ways To Ensure Customer Satisfaction When Collecting


PO Box 198988
Nashville, TN 37219
1 (855) 287-7043

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There’s no easy way around it—collecting can be tough work. However, our years of experience prioritizing consumer respect, superior recovery, and customer service at Frost-Arnett has brought about quite a few revelations when it comes to keeping customers satisfied while collecting. Today, we’re sharing our top 4 ways to ensure customer satisfaction while protecting your provider-patient relationships and focusing on account resolution.

1. Always maintain a positive experience for the consumer.


For over 125 years, our Frost-Arnett teams have dedicated themselves to keeping the consumer’s pain in mind and doing their best to ease the pain of collecting debt. Respect and empathy go a long way when it comes to encouraging consumers to pay to the best of their abilities to do so, and they’re key to preserving relationships that our clients have worked diligently to create over the years.

2. Stay honest, open, and empathetic.


Nagging consumers to pay their debts will disincline them from doing so. Always approach consumers with empathy and put yourself in their shoes. Be honest and straightforward about the reality of the situation and how you can help them pay as much as possible to achieve the highest recovery for your client while also maintaining respect for the consumer. This method of communicating with consumers allows you to peacefully pursue the best strategy for collection to the best of your ability.

3. Remain results-driven.


While maintaining a positive experience for the consumer and staying honest, open, and empathetic are key pieces to ensuring customer satisfaction while collecting, remaining results-driven is also essential. Your customer will undeniably be happiest when you achieve the highest recovery while maintaining their relationships with their consumers, and this is possible when you stay firm in your pursuit of collection in an understanding and flexible way. Don’t sway from the end goal.


4. Offer an early-out service.


Contacting consumers with a friendly customer-service approach to arrange payments before even transitioning to the collection stage is a great way to collect before formally putting the pressure on consumers. This is a fantastic way to keep customer satisfaction high as it often keeps consumer satisfaction high, resulting in a win-win for the customers and the consumers. The customers receive their money before you have to go to the collection stage and the consumers don’t have to deal with the pain of a collection stage.

While all of these methods ease the pain of collection and retain high customer and consumer satisfaction, our team at Frost-Arnett has dozens of additional methods and training to help you achieve your highest recovery. To hear more about our service, contact us at 1 (855) 287-7043. We look forward to working with you.


PO Box 198988
Nashville, TN 37219
1 (855) 287-7043

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